The terms “family” and “stock” are here applied interchangeably
to a group of languages that are supposed to be cognate.
A single language is called a stock or family when it is not
found to be cognate with any other language. Languages are said to
be cognate when such relations between them are found that they are
supposed to have descended from a common ancestral speech. The
evidence of cognation is derived exclusively from the vocabulary.
Grammatical similarities are not supposed to furnish evidence of
cognation, but to be phenomena, in part relating to stage of culture
and in part adventitious. It must be remembered that extreme
peculiarities of grammar, like the vocal mutations of the Hebrew or
the monosyllabic separation of the Chinese, have not been discovered
among Indian tongues. It therefore becomes necessary in the
classification of Indian languages into families to neglect
grammatical structure, and to consider lexical elements only. But
this statement must be clearly understood.
This site includes some historical
materials that may imply negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language
of a particular period or place. These items are presented as part of the
historical record and should not be interpreted to mean that the WebMasters in
any way endorse the stereotypes implied. Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico, 1891
Native American Nations